Restaurant Designer Raymond HaldemanFAQ of Restaurant Designer, Raymond Haldeman


Why do I need to hire a Bar / Restaurant Designer?

Most people who hire a designer will agree with these 3 good reasons they would hire a designer again if the occasion to renovate or develop a space arouse.
#1.  A good designer's touch and influence will give your space an integrated feel, a level of professional accommodation and a memorable visual experience that most people cannot conceive comprehensively, regardless of how "creative" they are.
#2.  Although hiring a designer does cost money and the level of execution they bring to the table may come at a premium, dollar for dollar, however, they save on costly mistakes, poorly thought out design and inappropriate materials often used by an inexperienced decorator (often the owner's wife or friend of the family) will most likely cost you more money in replacement and repair and in the expense department, in the end, you may conclude that having used a designer, your presentation would have been more sustainable and your dollars spent more effectively.
#3.  A professional presentation of your brand is paramount.  Your hotel, bar, restaurantor nightclub IS the product.  By association, a presentation of your "product" complete with wow-factor and functional efficiency can go a long way in building your brand.  

I've always thought about hiring a  Restaurant Designer / Consultant, but aren't they expensive?

The answer is yes and no.  Reputable hospitality design consultants with a proven and documented track record such as Haldeman's do cost money...however...Raymond Haldeman had built a reputation among independent operators because his services are within their grasp financially.  He is not carrying the overhead of a large design firm with a fancy design office complete with junior designers (who most likely will be assigned to do your job).  Raymond IS the design firm and you will deal directly with him  He will designs strategies for you that will increase business while he is on the job.   His clients will tell you that often his intellectual contribution directly and promptly results in the creation of additional revenue that pays for his services.  In essence, the experience of Raymond's clients has been that they are able to pay for our services out of the additional cash flow he creates for them while we are renovating their space and in savings realized during the construction before the doors even open!

How long will I need to engage a Designer or Consultant's services?

There is no set time table.  An assessment will be made of your needs based on the information you supply and what we observe.  The amount of time it will take will naturally correspond to the scope of the job and you're own timeline and plans.

Ok, so how much can I expect to pay?

A proposal is always based on the client's needs and the value of the contribution of our "intellectual capital" for a conceptual rebranding or presentation.  Interior Design jobs are based on the amount of square feet being renovated and the extent of those renovations.   Please keep in mind, we will also adjust the parameters of our work and fees based on your needs.  Raymond's success with independent operators is largely in part to his ability to provide VALUE for the cost of his services.

Raymond also offers an "Assessment Package" for those who need to start somewhere but aren't quite sure of what they want to fully commit to hiring the services of a restaurant designer.  This would involve Raymond spending 2 days with you, answering all your questions, laying out your space and providing you with an accurate Floor Plan and set of plans.  All Raymond's clients who have hired him for this assessment have made the same comment upon his completion of their assessments, "I sure did get my money's worth!"

-Raymond will speak to anyone free of charge for a 15 minute consultation.  Rest assured a lot can be gained in a 15 minute conversation with him and after your conversation you will have a definite range of what your needs would cost.

How long does it take to arrange for you take me on as a client?

Fortunately most of our clients call us well in advance of their actual needs.  However Raymond can work with you on the phone in your very first phone call and immediately plan an on-site assessment consultation, this way his work will be more effective and timely as he can "hit the ground running" when he arrives.  For Interior Design Consulting Services, it depends on your timeline and the scope of the job, but his rule after an on site assessment is to ensure you have a proposal in hand within 24 hours. 

Will I be dealing with Raymond Haldeman?

Yes, Raymond is involved in every job, "directly" with you.  All decisions, designs and strategies are "created by him with you.".   And on ALL  jobs, Raymond is hands-on and always available to speak directly to you at all times.  He will do site visits and discuss details and answer questions with and for your contractors.  This arrangement saves you money and eliminates miscommunication and costly mistakes.

How do I get started?

If you need immediate assistance, call us now 866-735-3582.  If you fill out our short Consulting Submission Form, Raymond will contacted you within 24 hours.